Anjie Cho

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Feng Shui Tips for Moving into a New Home

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Where we live is an essential element of our lives. It is where we feel safe.  It is such a precarious time when we are moving into a home, so it is during this transition time that feng shui can be of great assistance.  It is helpful to implement some feng shui when moving because it’s easy and extremely effective to start off your home with the right fundamentals in place. Below are some simple feng shui tips when moving into a new home.

Space Clearing

When you move into a new apartment or house, it may have lingering energy of past inhabitants.  This energy may be stagnant or negative, so it’s beneficial to start your life there with a clean slate.  The best way to do this is with a space clearing.  This can be done before you move in, with your boxes unpacked, or even after you have already unpacked.  But is best to do this as early as possible.  This process is a way of blessing the space, so be sure to do so with the intention that you are creating a new home to support and nourish you.  Start by opening all of the windows and doors for a minimum of nine minutes.  After 9 minutes of airing out the entire place, use orange essential oil to clear the space.  You can purchase an orange essential oil spray or get a diffuser for each room.  Oranges are very auspicious and the essence from the peels transforms energy into something positive and bright life affirming.

Rededicate the Home

After you have cleared the place of the existing energy, it is time to rededicate this space as your home.  Begin by selecting one personal object per room that has a positive special meaning for you.  Some examples are: family photos of happy times, an heirloom with positive memories, or a favorite plant. Place one personal object in each room starting at the entry, and then go clockwise placing the other objects in the additional rooms. Pay special attention to the entry, the kitchen, office and bedrooms.  After each object is located in each room, head back to the entry door.  From the entry, proceed clock wise from room to room.  In each room focus your positive and joyful intentions for your new home first by recognizing your personal object, then the room that it is now in.  Visualize that the happiness associated with that object is filled the room with supportive and lucky energy.

Command Position

My last suggestion is to do your best to locate your new furniture based on the command position.  In feng shui the concept of the command position is to locate your bed, desk, stove and other major furniture in such a way that it has the most expansive view of the entry door for the particular room.  You always want to be facing the door, while not directly in line of the door.  This typically means that you would be in command when placing your bed diagonally from the door, on the opposite side of the room and facing the door with the wall behind your headboard.  This position allows you to be in command of your home and life, creating a stress free and relaxing abode.

Congratulations on your new home!  Remember that feng shui is about focusing conscious intention in whatever you do. With all these feng shui tips remember that you are improving the energy flow in your life to create a safe and nurturing abode.

by Anjie Cho

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