8 Best Feng Shui Plants for Good Energy, According to Experts

Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash

Anjie Cho was featured on Good Housekeeping

Here are eight feng shui plants that are all about bringing good energy into your space, from affordable indoor plants to houseplants that thrive in office spaces (even if they're sometimes neglected):

Philodendron Green

With quick-growing vines and low-maintenance care, the classic philodendron plant makes a well-suited feng shui plant for channeling love. Its soft, heart-shaped leaves can help activate the marriage and relationships area of your space, according to Cho. For added effect, you may want to own two! "A pair of complementary plants can emphasize an equal, balanced partnership you'd like to invite in," she says.


Pothos plants are excellent air purifiers, perfect for the neglected corners of your household like atop a kitchen cupboard or in the bathroom. They tend to have long, leafy vines that make them optimal indoor hanging plants. For forgetful green thumbs, these plants are incredibly low maintenance, even earning the nickname of Devil's Ivy for being near impossible to kill. According to Cho, these are great for beginners. They're one of the easiest feng shui plants to care for, and their soft, rounded leaves promote softness and harmony throughout your space.

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If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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Plant Elixirs & Feng Shui Tips For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign In 2022

Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash

Anjie Cho was featured on mindbodygreen

It's time to say hello to the Black Water Tiger, and bye-bye to the Year of the Ox. The lunar new year falls on February 1 this year, and with the Water Tiger, we can welcome some new dynamic energy. The water element also indicates a greater opening up of collective wisdom all around. 

Every Chinese zodiac animal has a unique relationship to the Tiger, which may give you some insight into how to flow through 2022. Keeping the energetics in mind, we've pulled together a Chinese astrology forecast, feng shui tip, and a plant ally for each of the 12 animals. 

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If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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3 Common Feng Shui Misconceptions

Photo by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

There are a lot of feng shui misconceptions out there, and I wanted to address a few of them in this post. While the things I’m sharing here aren’t problems from the BTB feng shui perspective that I practice and teach, I want you to first consider your own feelings. If you are very concerned about something, always go with your intuition. If you’re very fearful about an object in your home, it’s not going to be a source of good energy. 

Plants in the bedroom are bad feng shui

One common feng shui misconception is that you shouldn’t have plants in the bedroom. My teachers taught that plants are fine in the bedroom. I have plants in my bedroom, and my business partner Laura at the Mindful Design School does as well. 

Some feng shui consultants do recommend avoiding plants in the bedroom, and this doesn’t mean they are wrong. Their teachers probably taught them that plants in the bedroom are not ideal. There are many schools of feng shui, and while their foundations are all similar, each school has different takes on certain things. If you’ve read a lot about feng shui from different sources, you may have read some conflicting information, and that’s okay. Just think about how many chocolate chip cookie recipes there are in the world; there isn’t one that is the best, unless it is the best for your needs and your taste. 

The idea that plants shouldn’t be in the bedroom comes from the fact that plants and wood energy are more active, and the bedroom is more of a restful space. If you do have trouble sleeping, and you’ve already tried all the logical things and you’ve done all the bedroom feng shui adjustments, you can try taking the plants out of your bedroom to see if that feels better. 

Again, from a Black Sect or BTB perspective, which is what I teach, it’s totally fine to have plants in the bedroom. That said, if you want to try removing the plants from your bedroom to see how it feels, go for it. I would encourage you to test things out and trust your own intuition

Mirrors in the Bedroom are bad feng shui

Another common misconception is that it’s not good feng shui to have mirrors in the bedroom. Mirrors are something we use a lot in BTB feng shui because they have the ability to magnify and amplify energy. As with plants, if you feel uncomfortable with a mirror in your bedroom, then you should acknowledge and honor your own perspective. However, from the BTB perspective, mirrors in the bedroom are not a problem. 

If you have a second-hand mirror that has a lot of predecessor qi, or if you don’t know where the mirror came from and what energy may be connected to it, that’s a whole different story. With anything you bring into your home, it may have picked up energies from its previous owner or on its way to you. If you do have a second-hand mirror in your bedroom, it is a good idea to clear it

The mirror itself, however, is not a problem according to the BTB school of feng shui. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable having a mirror in your bedroom, honor that. You have to pay attention to your own personal connections to how your bedroom is set up and how it makes you feel. 

Feng shui is about fixing things

The last feng shui misconception I want to address is that feng shui is about fixing things. While a lot of feng shui is remedial, I like to look at it from a different perspective. Instead of looking at feng shui as a way to fix problems, I like to ask my clients what wishes they would like fulfilled. This way, we are using feng shui with the intention of creating the life you want and manifesting your dreams. 

Since I’ve started practicing feng shui, almost all the aspirations I’ve written down have come true. Feng shui can be a tool that allows you to see what is already present in your life and be in greater harmony with your space and with the people around you. Then, you can be grateful for what you have, and think about what wishes you have for your life. 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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