Welcome More Sunlight into Your Home

Photo by Matti Johnson on Unsplash

Photo by Matti Johnson on Unsplash

Have you noticed the days getting shorter? Just as the school buses start their daily routes and the pumpkin spice take-over gets underway, the sun tucks in under the horizon a little bit earlier each day. If you’re lamenting the loss of summer’s languid sunlight, read on. I’ve got 6 tips to help you bring more sunshine into your home


Mirrors are a quick and affordable way to double the sunlight in your room. Select a beautiful, large mirror and place it on the wall opposite the window. Don’t overlook other reflective surfaces as well. Incorporate metallic decorative elements like candlesticks, picture frames, and even doorknobs to increase the level of reflected light. 


Open up your rooms with a lighter paint color on the walls. Dark paint will absorb light, while lighter hues reflect it. Likewise, selecting a satin finish as opposed to flat will increase the amount of reflected light. If you prefer a darker palette, consider going light on the walls and introducing your warm, more saturated tones in design elements like your furniture, or accents like pillows, throws and rugs

Window treatments

Those gorgeous drapes may be hindering your ability to let the sun shine in. Look for window treatments that offer privacy without blocking the light. Beautiful bamboo shades, translucent blinds and drapery sheers are beautiful, light-welcoming choices. 

Yard work

Don’t forget to look outside when you’re looking to let more light inside. Trim hedges and trees that may be blocking the sun’s path through your windows. This bit of yard work can make a big difference.

Alternate light inlets

Go beyond the traditional window. One option is to replace a solid exterior door for one with window panels; even a small window can make a big impact. Adding in skylights or “sun tunnels” will lighten things up in your room from the ceiling down. Also pay attention to your light fixtures. Avoid heavy lampshades that obstruct the light being given off. Consider installing a dimmer in some rooms so you can pump up or dial back the light depending on your need. 

Keep it clean

You may already know that cleaning your windows can boost the level of light they let in. Don’t forget to dust off your lamp shades and bulbs as well. While you’ve got the cleaning materials out, go ahead and finish tidying the room. An open, uncluttered space simply feels lighter.

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Space Clearing with Feng Shui

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In Feng Shui, there is a lot of talk about “energy” or “chi”.  Feng shui is an ancient philosophy that seeks to enhance the flow of energy in your environment. All spaces, people and objects have energy. 

In particular, the chi of a space can influence the present and future circumstances of the inhabitants. Similarly, the energy of the previous owners of a home or object can greatly influence the current chi of a space. This applies to previous owners and residents, vintage furniture, and even used books. Does that place or object hold an imprint of positive, supportive energy? Or does it hold negative and stagnant chi?

Space clearing is an effective way to re-dedicate the invisible energy of space.  It’s vital to clear the space of any stagnant energy and create a clean slate for you and your family.  This is especially true if you have a lot of second-hand items. Below I’ll share with you three different ways to clear your space.

Orange Oil

In feng shui, oranges and orange peels represent vibrant, life affirming energy. Orange essence is refreshing, happy and contributes positive, fresh, and brightening energy to our inner and outer environments. It can transform a space with vibrant, life-giving, positive energy. 

Fresh orange peels work the best because they are the freshest, but you can also use 27 drops of orange essential oil. Place the orange peels or the essential oil in a spray bottle and fill it with water. Walk around your home and spray this citrus essence all around, paying special attention to dark corners and closets. Orange peel carries with it vibrant life energy to clear and, in turn rejuvenate, you and your home.  This is excellent to do on an annual or even monthly basis. 

Air It Out

A great way to clear the space is to use the above orange essence spray in conjunction with opening all the exterior windows and doors in your home. 

First, open all the windows and doors for a minimum of 9 minutes.  Allow fresh air to move throughout the entire home.  Second, walk around your space with your orange spray. Start at the entry door and move around the perimeter of each room in the home in a clockwise fashion. It is good practice to clear your space at least once a year.  The most auspicious time to do this is on Chinese New Year.  The Lunar New Year is symbolically a great time to clear out the old, stagnant energy in your home to make space for new, positive energy. 

Smudge with Palo Santo

Lately, my favorite method of space clearing has been smudging with palo santo. While we traditionally use orange essential oil in feng shui for space clearing, I love the smell of palo santo. I find it is especially useful on an everyday basis to refresh your home if you've had guests.

The stick of palo santo is ignited, then gently blown down to an ember to allow for spreading smoke around the space. Guidance of smoke to different areas of the room including corners, inside closets and in a clockwise fashion is important. Also, be sure to allow the wood to produce enough smoke to fill the air. 

Remember no matter which method you use, once you clear the space of the existing chi, replace that energy with positive intention.

by Anjie Cho

Clear Your Space with Oranges

Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

Space clearing is an important practice in feng shui. Our homes and spaces are made up of energy that impacts us, so it’s important to make sure we are surrounded by supportive, healthy energy as much as possible. Clearing space in your home helps to remove stagnant, stuck, or negative energy that has accumulated to make room for new, positive energy. 

Space clearing is especially helpful during times of transition. This could be moving to a new apartment, starting a new chapter in life, or even a change in seasons. The transition from summer to fall that we’re currently experiencing in the northern hemisphere is a great time to clear your space. 

One of my favorite ways to clear space is to use oranges. In feng shui, oranges have a lot of yang energy. Yang energy relates to brightness and sunlight. It’s the opposite of night, which is related to yin energy. 

Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize peeling an orange, and imagine the experience through all of your senses. Oranges are visually bright and cheerful, like the sun. The color orange is a protecting, uplifting, and vital color. The smell of oranges can also instantly uplift any space. As you are visualizing an orange, or even as you’re peeling a real one, notice the smell, the way it looks, the taste, the way it feels in your hands, and even the sound as you peel it. 

A great way to clear your space using feng shui principles is to use a mist with orange essential oil. You can purchase some here or make your own. To clear your space with oranges, open all your windows and doors for at least 15 minutes and allow air to move throughout your home, then spray the orange mist all over your home. If you want to make it more of a ritual, start at your front door and go in a clockwise direction around the perimeter of each room. This makes your space clearing more of a special, sacred experience, and not just an everyday activity. 

As you’re clearing your space, set the intention that you’re filling your home with bright orange light or sunlight, along with feelings of joy, contentment, and vitality. This will help set the stage to welcome in positive energy and opportunities. 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com