How Feng Shui Can Make The Bathroom The Best Room In Your House

featured this month on MindBodyGreen

Manifest the year of your dreams by going inward. Renew You 2017 is a month of mindfulness during which we’ll share content that guides you to create a deeply rooted intention for the new year. We’ll help you navigate inevitable obstacles with the latest science on habits, motivation, ritual, and more and equip you with tried-and-true techniques to outsmart even the toughest inner critic. 

Feng shui principles applied to your bathroom can create a wonderful place of renewal to release what is unwanted in your life. You can easily transform your bathroom into a symbol of vitality that will assist you in letting go of everything that no longer serves you. Keep your bathroom well-ventilated, well-lit, and full of beautiful and healthy colors like blues and greens. And remember that live plants purify the air and bring vitality and freshness!

Clean with orange essential oil cleaner.

Citrus cleaners, especially orange, are wonderful for cleaning your bathroom. Not only are they great cleaners, but oranges and orange peels are used in feng shui to uplift and clear the energy of a space. The chi of oranges lightens and brightens the bathroom. The scent is cheerful and happy!

You can make your own DIY nontoxic cleaner with 1 part vinegar, 2 parts water, and 27 drops of organic orange essential oil. full article

by Anjie Cho

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DIY Laundry Detergent + Other Secrets To A Knockout Sleep

featured this month in MindBodyGreen by Kayla Jacobs

Sometimes, even when your head hits the pillow, your brain doesn't stop. It knows sleep should come, but it wants to think about both pressing and mundane things! When we lose awareness of the present moment, our minds get stuck in maladaptive ways of thinking. Restorative solutions to calm the mind and body are key, as is perspective: A couple of nights in a row of insomnia won't have a huge impact on subsequent days.

But we also know it's often easier said than done. Luckily, there are a handful of helpful tips and tricks we swear by to get the anxiety out and combat sleep problems both big and small. Whether they'll help you get into bed more relaxed, get out of bed more rested and glowing, these tips endeavor to get you rising and shining with the absolute best of them.

Feng shui your bedroom.

"One of the simplest ways to start to heal your life is to use feng shui in your bedroom," says feng shui healer Anjie Cho. "The bedroom is the area of your home that is closest to you. Think about how many hours you spend there! This room holds your personal qi, so think carefully about all the objects you have surrounded yourself with. I love Black tourmaline and clear quartz together to protect and purify the bedroom energetically from electromagnetic forces that affect your sleep and healing." full article

5 Tips for Starting 2017 Off Right

It may be hard to believe, but it's already 2017, and with the stress of 2016, it's more essential than ever to start the new year off right. Aside from setting resolutions and goals for achievement during this year, there are a few feng shui-based adjustments you can make to welcome 2017 with inspiration and positivity. 

Choose a Word for 2017

At the beginning of last year, I was asked to choose a word for the upcoming year, and I chose "inspiration." Once that word was planted in my brain, it was amazing how many new ideas and how much inspiration in general came my way during the year. And chances are we'll all need a lot moving into this year as well. Take some time to think about what you want this new year to represent for you, then make that your word! You can even make a vision board as a reminder!

Clear Your Space

We recommend you do this for sure on Chinese New Year, but space clearing is always a great idea when you're beginning something new, like the year! Use any of the methods you'd like, orange peels, Happy mist, sage or palo santo, and clear your space of any stagnant 2016 energy to make way for new opportunities, inspiration and positivity in 2017!

Clean Your Front Door

While you're at it, take a few minutes to assess the state of your front door. In feng shui, the entrance at your front door represents your face to the world, as well as your career, and there are a few ways to make sure yours is wide open to opportunity and good qi. Three of the most important factors are lighting, cleanliness and visibility. Take time to clean your front door and entry way to bring in the positive energy of the new year, and ensure that there is adequate, even bright, lighting. You'll also want to make sure your door is easy to find from the outside, for guests as well as opportunities and qi. Finally, use it! Even if you enter your home from another place, open the front door from time to time.

Clean Out Your Beauty Cabinet and Bag

We've done a lot of work recently with MindBodyGreen around beauty and feng shui, and being mindful of this is a good way to provide a clean slate for 2017. Take a look at your beauty cabinet and your beauty bag, and make sure there are no expired products or items you no longer use. It's also a good idea to make sure your bag and cabinet lighting are in good, clean condition and consider adding a citrine crystal for radiance. Check out my MindBodyGreen articles for more tips!

Move Nine Items

Last, but certainly not least or most difficult, shake up some energy in your space by moving 9 things. You don't have to completely rearrange, but moving even small things in your home or office can adjust the flow of energy and stir up new energy, and you'll also have a chance to dust around spaces that are usually taken up by those items! 

I wish each and every one of you a very happy, inspiring and positive new year! Please feel free to share any adjustments you make with us and the effect they have on your space and state of mind. We love to see feng shui paying off!

by Anjie Cho