An Introduction to Using Color in Feng Shui - Part 2

Last month we talked about how important, and increasingly popular, the use of color psychology is in creating a holistic, sacred space for each of us. By now, you know when it's best to use greens, teals, blues, purples and violets, yellows, oranges and browns. As many colors as that may be, it's just the tip of the color iceberg! 

Let's take a look at a few more colors and what they symbolize in feng shui. 


Not surprisingly, white symbolizes purity and simplicity. This color is very bright and stark and is the ultimate yang, or active, color.

White can represent an empty slate as well, but it's important in design to view it as just that, since it can be so harsh on the eyes. Imagine looking out at a field of fresh, clean snow. Think of how that bright, empty color puts a strain on your eyes. Who wants to be constantly blinded in their own space?! 

To utilize this color in your space, use white as accents in areas with more color or opt for warmer, off-white tones for wall colors. 


Gray shades offer the ultimate balance, as a combination of black and white, yin and yang. They can, however, be a bit depressing and cold for some, especially those already dealing with mood issues.

Despite this possibility, grey is a great color to use in your spaces, as it attracts helpful people to your life and helps support the intentions of other colors in a space. 

To use grey in your home or office, consider adding the color to the Benefactors area of your bagua map or combining shades of grey with a complementary color scheme

Deep, Dark Blues

Since there are a plethora of shades of blue, it's necessary to note a difference between the healing, yang energy of brighter blues and the supportive, meditative, more yin energy of dark, deep blues. 

Since very deep, almost black blues are related to the Water element and the Knowledge area of the bagua, they represent a sense of calm and security and can offer a sense of settling and quiet. 

Though blue generally represents the Wood element, these darker shades of blue are perfect for meditation spaces, bedrooms (as long as you don't have a mood disorder) or anywhere you can use a little Water element. Look for artistic accent pieces or accent walls, since you don't want to go too dark with an entire room.

You can also place a piece of Lapis lazuli crystal in the Knowledge or Completion area of your bedroom for support with self-expression and growth.

I hope you're getting a good idea of what colors are best for your space and which ones will nurture you most! Check back in next month for another dose of color 101, where we'll finish up with passionate shades of red, blacks and, on a lighter note, pinks and peaches!

by Anjie Cho