Nine Star Ki for the Earth Dog Year 2018

Happy Chinese New Year!

This Friday, we celebrate the Chinese New Year! I'll be at my local Shambhala Center celebrating our version, called Shambhala Day, which honors the Tibetan New Year (Losar). The traditions are similar and all welcome the year of the Earth Dog.

The energy has already begun to shift for the new year; the official transition was actually on February 4th. That means, it's time for yearly Nine Star Ki forecasts! Be sure to check out the blog post with Beth Grace for individual zodiac horoscopes, as well as what kind of energy to expect from the Year of the Dog. 

In combination with the Chinese zodiac astrology system, I also like to use the numerology of the Nine Star Ki to prepare for the coming year and stay energetically balanced. This practice was developed in ancient China, so it only makes sense that it goes so well with feng shui, and is based on a number system of nine rather than the animal system. It also closely aligns with the five element principles and the I-Ching. 

Holistic Spaces has worked with Andrea Giordano, from AromatheraChi, again this year to create custom aromatherapy blends for each Nine Star Ki number in the Year of the Dog. Each aromastick is created to provide support and enhance the energy for your individual number in the coming lunar year, and they can be used in conjunction with feng shui!

Now let's figure out your number and what's in store!

You can calculate your principle number by using your year of birth. Beware: this requires a little elementary math ;)

As an example, if you were born in 1986:

  • Add: 1+9+8+6 = 24

  • Reduce to a single digit: 2+4 = 6

  • Subtract from 11: 11-6 = 5

*if you were born between January 1 and February 4, subtract from 12:  12-6 = 6

If you were born in 1940:

  • Add: 1+9+4+0 = 14

  • Reduce to a single digit: 1+4 = 5

  • Subtract from 11: 11-5 = 6

*if you were born between January 1 and February 4, subtract from 12:  12-5 = 7

Here's what all that calculating means for the Year of the Earth Dog in 2018:

If your principle number is 1, in 2018 you will be in the year of Prosperity. This year will feel strong and prosperous. You will begin to feel confident and be recognized for your knowledge and skills. There will still be a lot of effort, but you shall finally be harvesting the fruits of your labor. As a 1 Water person, you will feel supported in this 6 Metal year. Make the most of it!

If your principle number is 2, in 2018 you will be in the year of Celebration. This year will feel celebratory and playful. It is a great time to relax and pat yourself on the back for all the hard work that you put in the last few years. Enjoy yourself, rejoice and have some fun. As a 2 earth person, you may feel depleted from time to time in this 7 metal year. Be sure to also take care of yourself so you don't get burnt out from too much partying!

If your principle number is 3, in 2018 you will be in the year of Stillness. This year will be much quieter than the last. It will be a time of stillness, like climbing up a mountain to meditate in isolation. This is a great time to focus inward and do some self-cultivation. As a 3 Wood person, you will feel a bit slowed down in this 8 Earth year. But remember, this is a time to ground yourself and go deep.

If your principle number is 4, in 2018 you will be in the year of Recognition. This year you will be in the house of fire, where you have the best opportunities to be seen and recognized by others. It is a great time to receive any promotions or any other projects that you want publicity for. Be careful, as all things, good or bad, may be unveiled to the public. As a 4 Wood person, you may be prone to burn out in this 9 Fire year. Add some water and go with the flow to tone down the flames.

If your principle number is 5, in 2018 you will be in the year of Planning. This year will feel quiet and is a time for planning. In the winter, it may appear that everything is dead on the surface, but underneath there is much life and activity. Similarly, it may feel slow, but take this time to reflect, review and plan for the future. As a 5 Earth person, you will may feel a little muddy in this 1 Water year. Take advantage of the quietness and rest up!

If your principle number is 6, in 2018 you will be in the year of Germination. This year will be the time to plant seeds. When you plant a garden, you germinate many more seeds than you need. Do the same this year. Put all your ideas out there into the universe and share them with others. Plant the seeds and see what comes up! As a 6 Metal person, you will feel supported in this 2 Earth year. Enjoy, and let this year take care of you.

If your principle number is 7, in 2018 you will be in the year of Sprouting. This year will be energetic and full of new beginnings as you catch sight of seeds that you planted last year begin to sprout and grow. Be open to new ideas and cultivate the projects that you start at this time. As a 7 Metal person, you may feel a little overwhelmed in this 3 Wood year. Remember that this is a time to sharpen and expand.

If your principle number is 8, in 2018 you will be in the year of Rapid Growth. This year will be a continuation of last year where you see your sprouts grow into strong, grounded trees. This year will be busy and active, so please take care of yourself and be careful not to get burnt out. As an 8 Earth person, you may sense some upheaval in this 4 Wood year, but remember that it's about creating movement and change for the better!

If your principle number is 9, in 2018 you will be in the year of Fluctuation. This year will feel a little chaotic, as this is a time of renewal and rebirth. You many need to reinvent yourself this year. It’s a great time to let things go that are no longer serving you. As a 9 Fire person, you may feel depleted in this 5 Earth year. Emphasize some self-love and care this year.

How is the coming year looking for you? Are you excited? If you're interested in learning more about Nine Star Ki, check out this Holistic Spaces podcast, and take a peek at the blog, too, for ideas on how to celebrate the Chinese New Year! No matter what your number or animal, don't forget to take care of yourself during the Year of the Earth Dog! One great way is to grab a three-dimensional rabbit charm to carry with you at all times for protection and support. Since the Rabbit is the Dog's best friend, carrying this charm will keep you in their good graces. :)

by Anjie Cho