6 Easy Feng Shui Fixes to Create Prosperity

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Aside from help in the romance department, feng shui for prosperity and abundance is one of the most popular requests I get. We all want love and stability! Fortunately, there are many easy adjustments that can encourage prosperity and open your life to abundance. Here are some of my favorites!

Put Your Furniture in Command

It's important that all your major furniture pieces are in the commanding position, as this symbolically places you in control of your life. This is especially important for your desk, where you earn your financial stability, and your stove, where you nourish yourself. If it's not possible to put these directly in the commanding position, add mirrors to make the doors in your space visible from these positions. 

Add a Plant (Or Plants) to Your Prosperity Corner

On the feng shui bagua map, the back left corner of your space represents abundance, wealth and prosperity. Adding a plant to this space promotes growth and prosperity in addition to bringing a beautiful touch of nature inside. Check the blog for plant recommendations or opt for three or nine bamboo stalks to really amp up your abundance!

Set Up Some Mirrors

Mirrors are a common adjustment in feng shui and they work well for encouraging prosperity. To increase your earning ability and bring prosperity, add a small, round mirror above your workspace to enhance focus and clarity while you work. You can also add a mirror behind your stove, as burners represent prosperity as well, and mirroring them symbolically multiplies them in number! 

Add Citrine

Back to the Abundance area of the bagua map, adding citrine here can also stimulate abundance and prosperity. As with any feng shui adjustments, you can lay the bagua on your bedroom, office, desk or entire space to effectively make this adjustment, or opt for three different placements (bedroom, home and desk) to triple your prosperity!

Add Water to Your Entry

Water represents the flow of cash and wealth into your space, so adding a water element to the entry of your home is a great way to increase prosperity. Just be sure that any water element with actual flowing water directs into your home, not out! 

Carry a Chinese Astrological Charm

In Chinese New Year and astrology, each year honors a different animal. Each of those animals has a best friend in the zodiac animal kingdom. If you're looking for prosperity, check out the current year's animal, then carry a feng shui charm of that animal's best friend for protection and luck. This year's best friend is the Pig!

There are numerous feng shui adjustments to increase prosperity and abundance. The more in depth you get with a feng shui practitioner, the more personal these cures will get, but these basic remedies can certainly work wonders as well! We'd love to hear about your adjustments from the blog, so please send photos or stories about how feng shui is improving your life!

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

Plant Elixirs & Feng Shui Tips For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign In 2022

Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash

Anjie Cho was featured on mindbodygreen

It's time to say hello to the Black Water Tiger, and bye-bye to the Year of the Ox. The lunar new year falls on February 1 this year, and with the Water Tiger, we can welcome some new dynamic energy. The water element also indicates a greater opening up of collective wisdom all around. 

Every Chinese zodiac animal has a unique relationship to the Tiger, which may give you some insight into how to flow through 2022. Keeping the energetics in mind, we've pulled together a Chinese astrology forecast, feng shui tip, and a plant ally for each of the 12 animals. 

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If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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Feng Shui for Luck and Protection in the Year of the Tiger

Silver pig keychain charm on red cord

Photo by Anjie Cho Architect PLLC

It’s been so nice to hear from many of you as you’re switching out your 2021 charms for your new 2022 charms! If you don’t know what I’m referring to, there is a Chinese zodiac animal associated with each year. This past year has been the Year of the Ox, and we will soon be welcoming the Year of the Tiger. In BTB feng shui, one of the adjustments or cures is to carry with you the year animal’s best friend as an amulet or protective charm. 

The Tiger’s best friend is the Pig, so it is auspicious to carry a realistic three-dimensional representation of a Pig with you during 2022, the Year of the Tiger. The Pig charms that I sell in the Holistic Spaces shop are ones that I personally make by hand and bless. I enjoy making these charms every year, and I chose to put them on a keychain because it’s a practical way to keep the animal close to you. 

I get a lot of questions about these charms, and especially about what to do if they break. If your charm breaks, it’s actually a good thing. The purpose of a protective amulet is to protect you, and if it breaks that means that it’s doing its job. The charm has absorbed or deflected some negative qi. It is a good idea to replace the charm if it breaks, but it isn’t something to be worried about. 

Another question I get is about what to do with the old charm after you’ve purchased a new one for the current year. I recommend that you take the old charm off your key ring, and really humbly thank the charm for protecting you and offering you support. Then, you can take the cord off of the charm and burn it. Offer it to the fire, and then be thankful to let go of anything that may have been holding you back, or anything from 2021 that you don’t want to carry with you. 

Then, if you’d like to recycle the metal parts, you may do that. You can also keep the animal and place it on your altar or in a safe place. You might want to keep each animal and collect them until you have all twelve animals. There’s a powerful feng shui adjustment where you have one of each of the zodiac animals together, which represents harmony amongst all the different archetypes of every person in the world. You will have gotten to know each of the twelve animal archetypes during the time you carried them with you. As you keep each animal close to you for a year, you start to understand each one. 

After you’ve thanked your 2021 charm, and recycled it or put it in a safe place, you can put the new charm on your keychain. With humble thoughtfulness, curiosity, and openness, invite your new Pig charm to offer you good luck, support, and companionship in the Year of the Water Tiger

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has purchased a charm from me this year and in previous years. I appreciate you supporting me as a small business, and I hope you have a wonderful 2022! 

by Anjie Cho

If you’d like to learn more about feng shui, check out Mindful Design Feng Shui School at: www.mindfuldesignschool.com

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